
We are a young organization full of ideas, energy and zeal. If you want to work on latest technology and you are obsessed with the quality then you will feel comfortable working with us. We look for someone who takes even a simple idea seriously and create a brilliant user experience for its user. Weather you are a backend engineer, front end engineer, devops guy, a designer or for that a marketer. End user should always be in your mind while making any decision. We are obsessed about user experience and we appreciate someone joining our team also appreciates it. We have flexi work timings, freedom to choose your own side project and work on latest technologies and focus on performance and usability.

We are always on lookout for people with skills in Node.JS, AngularJs, Android, iOS development. You should have understanding of Grunt, Git, Mocha, UnderscoreJS, JSHint etc.

If you are developer/designer/marketer interested in joining our team please drop an email to us on and